Class BaseAdminHttpApplication

All Implemented Interfaces:
DescribedHttpApplication, HttpApplication, AdminHttpApplication

public class BaseAdminHttpApplication extends Object implements AdminHttpApplication
Configuration class for the Identity Gateway Administration.
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseAdminHttpApplication

      public BaseAdminHttpApplication(String adminPrefix, JsonValue config, Environment environment, RunMode mode, boolean serveDeprecatedPrometheusEndpoint, org.forgerock.config.resolvers.PropertyResolver propertyResolver, org.forgerock.monitoring.api.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry, StartupMetrics parentStartupMetrics, HttpClientProvider httpClientProvider, WebSocketClientProvider webSocketClientProvider, Clock clock, IgTicker ticker, AsyncSessionManager sessionManager, ProductInfo productInfo, org.forgerock.openig.tracing.TracingProvider tracingProvider) throws IOException, HttpApplicationException
      Construct a BaseAdminHttpApplication.
      adminPrefix - the prefix to use in the URL to access the admin endpoints
      config - the admin configuration
      environment - the IG environment
      mode - IG run mode
      serveDeprecatedPrometheusEndpoint - set to true to enable the deprecated Prometheus endpoint
      propertyResolver - root property resolver
      meterRegistry - the meter registry
      parentStartupMetrics - the parent StartupMetrics
      httpClientProvider - The provider of HttpClient
      webSocketClientProvider - The WebSocket Client Provider
      clock - The clock to use
      ticker - The ticker to use
      sessionManager - The session manager to use
      productInfo - The product information
      tracingProvider - The admin tracing configuration
      IOException - when initialization failed
      HttpApplicationException - when initialization failed
  • Method Details