Class UserProfileServiceHeaplet

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UserProfileServiceHeaplet extends GenericHeaplet
Creates and initializes a UserProfileService in a heap environment. Configuration options:
      "type": "UserProfileService",
      "config": {
          "amService"           : AmService              [REQUIRED]
          "realm"               : Realm                  [OPTIONAL - realm where to find subjects, defaults to
                                                                     the realm specified in AmService.]
          "profileAttributes"   : string list            [OPTIONAL - the list of user's profile attributes to
                                                                     request from Access Management.
                                                                     Default retrieves all attributes.
          "cache"               : object                 [OPTIONAL - By default the user profile cache is disabled.]
              "enabled" :             expression(boolean)   [OPTIONAL - Allow to disable the cache while still
                                                                        keeping the configuration for later use.
                                                                        Default is false.]
              "maximumSize" :         expression(long)      [OPTIONAL - Sets the maximum size of the user
                                                                        profile cache.]
              "maximumTimeToCache" :  expression(long)      [OPTIONAL - Sets the maximum time to cache a
                                                                        user profile.]
              "executor" :            executor              [OPTIONAL - By default,
                                                      {@link java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool#commonPool()} is used.]
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • UserProfileServiceHeaplet

      public UserProfileServiceHeaplet()
  • Method Details