Class ArrayResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:
Resolver, Indexed<Class>

public class ArrayResolver extends Object implements Resolver
Resolves native arrays of objects.
  • Constructor Details

    • ArrayResolver

      public ArrayResolver()
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      public Class<?> getKey()
      Returns null, as arrays are not resolved through type discovery.
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface Indexed<Class>
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface Resolver
      null, as arrays are not resolved through type discovery.
    • get

      public Object get(Object object, Object element)
      Description copied from interface: Resolver
      Attempts to resolve an element of an object. The object argument references an object for which a named or indexed element is being requested. The element argument specifies the element that is being requested from the referenced object.

      The element argument can be either a String or an Integer object. A string represents a named element of an associative array; an integer represents the index of an ordered array.

      If the resolver cannot resolve the requested element, then Resolver.UNRESOLVED should be returned. This allows other resovlers of more generic classes or interfaces to potentially resolve the requested element.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Resolver
      object - the object in which to resolve the specified element.
      element - the element to resolve within the specified object.
      the value of the resolved element, or Resolver.UNRESOLVED if it cannot be resolved.
    • put

      public Object put(Object object, Object element, Object value)
      Description copied from interface: Resolver
      Attempts to set the value of an element of an object. The object argument references an object for which a named or indexed element is to be set. The element argument specifies which element value is to be set. The value argument specifies the value to be set.

      The element argument can be either a String or an Integer object. A string represents a named element of an associative array; an integer represents the index of an ordered array.

      If the resolver cannot resolve the requested element or set its value, then Resolver.UNRESOLVED should be returned. This allows other resovlers of more generic classes or interfaces to potentially resolve the requested element.

      Specified by:
      put in interface Resolver
      object - the object in which to resolve the specified element.
      element - the element within the specified object whose value is to be set.
      value - the value to set the element to.
      the previous value of the element, null if no previous value, or Resolver.UNRESOLVED if it cannot be resolved.