Class CaffeineUtils


public final class CaffeineUtils extends Object
Utility class for Caffeine-related workarounds.
  • Method Details

    • invalidateEagerly

      public static <K, V, E extends Exception> Promise<V,E> invalidateEagerly(com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.AsyncCache<K,V> cache, Promise<V,E> promise, K key)
      Preemptively invalidates the cache entry on failure.

      Let Caffeine handle the removal if the entry is already completed. This avoids a recursive modification issue from the underlying map implementation.

      Type Parameters:
      K - type of the key
      V - type of the cached value
      E - promise's exception type
      cache - the async cache
      promise - promise of the cache entry
      key - the looked up key
      a new promise doing the eager cache invalidation (if it's not completed yet), otherwise the same promise.
      See Also: