Interface StableIdResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
OrderedStableIdResolver, SingletonStableIdResolver

public interface StableIdResolver
Interface for resolving stable ids in a SecretStore.
  • Method Details

    • getPurposeLabelFromStableId

      String getPurposeLabelFromStableId(String stableId)
      Pulls the purpose label from the stableId.
      stableId - The stableId of a secret
      The purpose label of the given stableId
    • candidatesForPurpose

      Stream<SecretResource> candidatesForPurpose(Stream<SecretResource> candidates, String purpose)
      Creates candidate stream in order from latest to oldest, latest being the active secret for the purpose label.
      candidates - stream of candidate secret resources for the secret
      purpose - purpose label for the secret to match candidates to
      stream of SecretResource