Interface ResourceApiVersionBehaviourManager

  • public interface ResourceApiVersionBehaviourManager
    Implementations of this interface will be responsible for maintaining the behaviour of API Version routing.

    API Version routing can issue a WarningHeader if no Accept-API-Version header is set on the request. In addition a default behaviour can be set to determine how the route will compare matching API Version routes.

    See Also:
    WarningHeader, AcceptApiVersionHeader, DefaultVersionBehaviour
    • Method Detail

      • setWarningEnabled

        void setWarningEnabled​(boolean warningEnabled)
        Sets if warning headers should be set on the response if no Accept-API-Version header is present on the request.
        warningEnabled - true if warning headers should be set.
      • isWarningEnabled

        boolean isWarningEnabled()
        Returns true if warning headers should be set on the response if no Accept-API-Version header is present on the request.
        true if warning headers should be set.
      • setDefaultVersionBehaviour

        void setDefaultVersionBehaviour​(DefaultVersionBehaviour behaviour)
        Sets the default routing behaviour to use when the request does not contain the Accept-API-Version header.
        behaviour - The default routing behaviour when no Accept-API-Version header is present on the request.
      • getDefaultVersionBehaviour

        DefaultVersionBehaviour getDefaultVersionBehaviour()
        Gets the default routing behaviour to use when the request does not contain the Accept-API-Version header.
        The default routing behaviour when no Accept-API-Version header is present on the request.