Class SwaggerApiProducer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SwaggerApiProducer
    extends Object
    implements ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger>
    An API Producer for APIs that use the Swagger model implementation of the OpenAPI specification.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SwaggerApiProducer​(io.swagger.models.Info info)
      Create a new API Description Producer with null as basePath, host and no scheme.
      SwaggerApiProducer​(io.swagger.models.Info info, String basePath, String host, io.swagger.models.Scheme... schemes)
      Create a new API Description Producer.
      SwaggerApiProducer​(io.swagger.models.Info info, String basePath, String host, List<io.swagger.models.Scheme> schemes)
      Create a new API Description Producer.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SwaggerApiProducer

        public SwaggerApiProducer​(io.swagger.models.Info info)
        Create a new API Description Producer with null as basePath, host and no scheme.
        info - The Swagger Info instance to add to all OpenAPI descriptors.
      • SwaggerApiProducer

        public SwaggerApiProducer​(io.swagger.models.Info info,
                                  String basePath,
                                  String host,
                                  io.swagger.models.Scheme... schemes)
        Create a new API Description Producer.
        info - The Swagger Info instance to add to all OpenAPI descriptors.
        basePath - The base path.
        host - The host, if known at construction time, otherwise null.
        schemes - The supported schemes.
      • SwaggerApiProducer

        public SwaggerApiProducer​(io.swagger.models.Info info,
                                  String basePath,
                                  String host,
                                  List<io.swagger.models.Scheme> schemes)
        Create a new API Description Producer.
        info - The Swagger Info instance to add to all OpenAPI descriptors.
        basePath - The base path.
        host - The host, if known at construction time, otherwise null.
        schemes - The supported schemes.
    • Method Detail

      • withPath

        public io.swagger.models.Swagger withPath​(io.swagger.models.Swagger descriptor,
                                                  String parentPath)
        Description copied from interface: ApiProducer
        Mutate the provided descriptor to add the specified path.
        Specified by:
        withPath in interface ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger>
        descriptor - The descriptor to be mutated.
        parentPath - The path to add to the descriptor.
        The new descriptor.
      • withVersion

        public io.swagger.models.Swagger withVersion​(io.swagger.models.Swagger descriptor,
                                                     Version version)
        Description copied from interface: ApiProducer
        Mutate the provided descriptor to add the specified version.
        Specified by:
        withVersion in interface ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger>
        descriptor - The descriptor to be mutated.
        version - The version to apply to the resource.
        The new descriptor.
      • merge

        public io.swagger.models.Swagger merge​(List<io.swagger.models.Swagger> descriptors)
        Description copied from interface: ApiProducer
        Merge the provided descriptors into a single descriptor.
        Specified by:
        merge in interface ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger>
        descriptors - The descriptors to be merged.
        The merged descriptor.
      • addApiInfo

        public io.swagger.models.Swagger addApiInfo​(io.swagger.models.Swagger swagger)
        Description copied from interface: ApiProducer
        Add common API Info to the descriptor.
        Specified by:
        addApiInfo in interface ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger>
        swagger - The descriptor.
        The modified descriptor.
      • newChildProducer

        public ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger> newChildProducer​(String subPath)
        Description copied from interface: ApiProducer
        Create a child producer with the same type, but with the extra ID fragment.
        Specified by:
        newChildProducer in interface ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger>
        subPath - The fragment of the ID for this producer.
        The new producer.