Class ClientSecretBasicAuthenticationFilterHeaplet

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientSecretBasicAuthenticationFilterHeaplet

        public ClientSecretBasicAuthenticationFilterHeaplet()
    • Method Detail

      • createFilter

        protected Filter createFilter​(String clientId,
                                      SecretReference<GenericSecret> clientSecretRef)
        Create the appropriate client-secret authentication Filter instance.
        clientId - The authentication client id
        clientSecretRef - The authentication client secret SecretReference
        A client-secret-based authentication Filter
      • create

        public final Object create()
                            throws HeapException
        Description copied from class: GenericHeaplet
        Called to request the heaplet create an object. Called by Heaplet.create(Name, JsonValue, Heap) after initializing the protected field members. Implementations should parse configuration but not acquire resources, start threads, or log any initialization messages. These tasks should be performed by the GenericHeaplet.start() method.
        Specified by:
        create in class GenericHeaplet
        The created object.
        HeapException - if an exception occurred during creation of the heap object or any of its dependencies.