Package org.forgerock.openig.filter
Filters the requests and/or responses of HTTP.
Class Summary Class Description AssignmentFilter Conditionally assigns values to expressions before and after the request is handled.AssignmentFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes an assignment filter in a heap environment.AuthRedirectContext Used by theFragmentFilter
to know if a filter has attempted an impending IG redirection.ChainFilterHeaplet Allow to build a chain of filters as one filter.ChainHandlerHeaplet A chain of zero or more filters and one handler.ChainHandlerTypeProvider Provide the HTTP Filter's ChainTypeDefinition
.ConditionalFilter This filter conditionally executes a delegate Filter given the result of a 'condition' function.ConditionalFilterHeaplet Creates aConditionalFilter
into aHeap
environment.ConditionEnforcementFilter AnConditionEnforcementFilter
makes sure that the handledRequest
verifies a condition.ConditionEnforcementFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes an ConditionEnforcementFilter in a heap environment.CookieFilter Suppresses, relays and manages cookies.CookieFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a cookie filter in a heap environment.CorsFilterHeaplet ACorsFilterHeaplet
configures aCorsFilter
in a heap environment.CryptoHeaderFilter Deprecated. in 7.0, will be removed in future versions.CryptoHeaderFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a header filter in a heap environment.CsrfFilterHeaplet Creates and initializes aCsrfFilter
supporting the injection and validation of an anti-CSRF token in the request header.DateHeaderFilter This filter inserts a Date header into the response if it is not present.DateHeaderFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a DateHeaderFilter in a heap environment.EntityExtractFilter Extracts regular expression patterns from a message entity.EntityExtractFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes an entity extract handler in a heap environment.FileAttributesFilter Retrieves and exposes a record from a delimiter-separated file.FileAttributesFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a separated values file attribute provider in a heap environment.ForwardedRequestFilter Rebase theUriRouterContext
's Original URI with a computed scheme, host name and port.ForwardedRequestFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes anForwardedRequestFilter
in a heap environment.FragmentFilter TheFragmentFilter
supports URIs that contain fragments, keeping track of the fragment part when a request triggers a login redirect.FragmentFilter.Heaplet Creates and initialises aFragmentFilter
in a heap environment.HeaderFilter Removes headers from and adds headers to a message.HeaderFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a header filter in a heap environment.HeaderFilterTypeProvider ProvideHeaderFilter
.HttpAccessAuditFilter This filter aims to send some access audit events to the AuditService managed as a CREST handler.HttpBasicAuthenticationClientFilterHeaplet Creates and initializes aFilter
supporting the injection of a Basic Authorization header in the request for the configured credentials.HttpBasicAuthFilter Performs authentication through the HTTP Basic authentication scheme.HttpBasicAuthFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes an HTTP basic authentication filter in a heap environment.JwtBuilderContext Used by theJwtBuilderFilter
to make the JWT available in the context.JwtBuilderFilter The JwtBuilderFilter collects data from template and puts the name-value pairs into a JWT structure.JwtBuilderFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes an JwtBuilderFilter in a heap environment.LocationHeaderFilter Rewrites Location headers on responses that generate a redirect that would take the user directly to the application being proxied rather than taking the user through the Identity Gateway.LocationHeaderFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a LocationHeaderFilter in a heap environment.LogAttachedExceptionFilter ALogAttachedExceptionFilter
prints attached exceptions to filtered responses.MdcRouteIdFilter AMdcRouteIdFilter
aims to prepare the current thread with SLF4J MDC information about the current route.MetricsFilter Collect request processing metrics.PasswordReplayFilterHeaplet Supports password replay feature in a composite filter.RetryFilter ARetryFilter
is responsible for re-executing the incoming request should it fail with a runtime exception or if an optional condition expression evaluates to true.RetryFilter.Builder RuntimeExceptionFilter This filter aims to guarantee the caller that it will always get a Response to process, even if the next returns a promise completed with aRuntimeException
, or even if aRuntimeException
is thrown.ScriptableFilter A scriptable filter.ScriptableFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a scriptable filter in a heap environment.SetCookieUpdateFilter This filter allows modification of response cookie attribute values for cookies found in the Set-Cookies header.SetCookieUpdateFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a SetCookieUpdateFilter in a heap environment.StaticRequestFilter Creates a new request and send it down the next handler (effectively replacing the previous request).StaticRequestFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes a request filter in a heap environment.SwitchFilter Conditionally diverts the request to another handler.SwitchFilter.Heaplet Creates and initializes an expect filter in a heap environment.UriPathRewriteFilter Filter
supporting URL path rewriting.UriPathRewriteFilter.Heaplet Create aUriPathRewriteFilter
in a heap environment. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CookieFilter.Action Action to be performed for a cookie.CryptoHeaderFilter.Operation Should the filter encrypt or decrypt the given headers ?