Package org.forgerock.openig.heap
Manages collections or "heaps" of associated objects, initialized from
declarative configuration artifacts.
Interface Summary Interface Description Heap Manages a collection of associated objects created and initialized byHeaplet
objects.Heaplet Creates and initializes an object that is stored in aHeap
.HeapletFactory BuildsHeaplet
instances. -
Class Summary Class Description EnvironmentHeap The rootHeap
that includes access to the environment additional information.ExpressionPropertyResolver ResolvesBindings
-based tokens using COMMONS ConfigPropertyResolver
.GenericHeaplet A generic base class for heaplets with automatically injected fields.HeapImpl The concrete implementation of a heap.Heaplets LoadsHeaplet
classes based on the class of object they create.Keys Define here the constants that can be used as Heap's keys.Name A Name uniquely identify an object within a hierarchy.TokenResolver Offers a user-friendly API to the COMMONS config property resolvers. -
Exception Summary Exception Description HeapException An exception that is thrown during heap operations.