Editing a user - PingOne - PingOne Cloud Platform

PingOne Cloud Platform

PingOne Cloud Platform
PingOne Cloud Platform
Product documentation
Guide > Administrator Guide

Use the Users page to edit users in the directory. The fields differ slightly based on your configuration.

Editing a user - Customer

Use the Users page to edit users in the directory.

  1. Go to Directory > Users.
  2. Locate the user you want to edit. You can browse or search for users.
  3. Click the user entry to open the user details panel.
  4. On the Profile tab, enter or edit the personal information, contact information, identity information, or preferences.
  5. On the Groups tab, enter or edit group membership. Click + Add to add the user to a group. For more information, see Groups.
  6. On the Roles tab, enter or edit the roles information. To add a role, click Grant role. See Managing user roles.
  7. On the Services > Authentication tab, enter or edit the multifactor authentication information.
    • For Multi-factor authentication, click the toggle to enable or disable MFA.
    • Under Methods and Devices:
      • Click a device entry to show the date and time that the device was paired. If the device is a mobile device, and if logs have ever been sent from the device, the date, time and Support ID of the most recent logs are shown.
      • To unpair a device, click the three dots options menu for the device and then click Unpair.
    • Under Authoritative identity provider, PingOne shows any configured external identity providers. To change the authoritative identity provider, click the three dots options menu and then click Edit. See Authoritative identity providers.
    • Under Linked accounts, PingOne shows any external accounts, such as Google or LinkedIn, that are linked to the user profile. To unlink an external account, click the three dots options menu and then click Unlink.
  8. On the Services > Consent tab, PingOne shows any agreements that the user has consented to.
  9. On the Services > ID verification tab (PingOne Verify only), PingOne shows the verification status for the user. You can view the verification history, reset verification status, and manually approve a user. See PingOne Verify.
  10. On the Services > Sync status tab, PingOne shows the sync status for any provisioning connections. See Provisioning.
  11. On the API tab, PingOne shows technical information about the user, such as user ID, environment ID, and the URL at which the user data can be found.

Editing a user - Workforce

Use the Users page to edit users in the directory.

  1. Go to Directory > Users.
  2. Locate the user you want to edit. You can browse or search for users.
  3. Click the user entry to open the user details panel.
  4. On the Profile tab, enter or edit the personal information, contact information, identity information, or preferences.
  5. On the Groups tab, enter or edit group membership. Click + Add to add the user to a group. For more information, see Groups.
  6. On the Roles tab, enter or edit the roles information. To add a role, click Add Role.
  7. On the Services > Authentication tab, enter or edit the multifactor authentication information.
    • For Multi-factor authentication, click the toggle to enable or disable MFA.
    • Under Methods and Devices:
      • Click a device entry to show the date and time that the device was paired. If the device is a mobile device, and if logs have ever been sent from the device, the date, time and Support ID of the most recent logs are shown.
      • To unpair a device, click the three dots options menu for the device and then click Unpair.
    • Under Authoritative identity provider, PingOne shows any configured external identity providers. To change the authoritative identity provider, click the three dots options menu and then click Edit. See Authoritative identity providers.
    • Under Linked accounts, PingOne shows any external accounts, such as Google or LinkedIn, that are linked to the user profile. To unlink an external account, click the three dots options menu and then click Unlink.
    • Under Integrations, select the services that should be enabled for the user. Click the options menu to disable or bypass a service. Bypassing a service suspends the need for a user to authenticate using the secondary authentication method for a specified amount of time.
  8. On the Services > Consent tab, PingOne shows any agreements that the user has consented to.
  9. On the Services > ID verification tab (PingOne Verify only), PingOne shows the verification status for the user. You can view the verification history, reset verification status, and manually approve a user. See PingOne Verify.
  10. On the Services > Sync status tab, PingOne shows the sync status for any provisioning connections. See Provisioning.
  11. On the API tab, PingOne shows technical information about the user, such as user ID, environment ID, and the URL at which the user data can be found.