The values supplied by the token processor are shown on the Attribute Retrieval tab, in the Token Processor Contract section.

To determine whether you need to look up additional values, compare the attribute contract against the token processor contract or the request contract, if configured. If the attribute contract requires more information, determine whether local data stores can supply it.


If you are editing a currently mapped token processor instance, you can change the mapping method, which may require additional configuration changes in subsequent tasks.

  1. Go to the IdP Token Processor Mapping window.
  2. On the Attribute Retrieval tab, in the Token Processor Contract section, choose from the following options.
    • Select the Retrieve Additional Attributes from Data Stores to Fulfill the Attribute Contract option if you want to configure one or more data stores to look up attribute for a single mapping.
    • Select the Use only the Token Processor Contract Values in the Outgoing Token option if you do not require data store query.
  3. When finished, click Next.