For more details, see the following topics in the PingID SDK API documentation:

The PingID SDK Connector manages all mapped email, SMS, and voice pairings. A device nickname of Email 1 and an attribute name of email1 are considered a pair. If the connector finds a device nickname (not attribute name) of email1 (created by a previous version of the connector) and a device nickname of Email 1, the latter takes priority and the former is removed.

Attribute Description
Username PingID SDK’s unique identifier for the user. A username cannot be changed.

This attribute is required.

First Name The given name of the user.

For example, "Barbara" in the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III".

Last Name The family name of the user.

For example, "Jensen" in the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III".

Email 1 An email address to use for pairing.
Email 2 A second email address to use for pairing.
Email 3 A third email address to use for pairing.
SMS Number 1 A phone number to use for SMS pairing.

The phone number must begin with the country code. The PingID SDK server removes all characters except for numbers, so the number doesn't require specific formatting.

SMS Number 2 A second phone number to use for SMS pairing.
SMS Number 3 A third phone number to use for SMS pairing.
Voice Number 1 A phone number to use for voice calls.

The phone number must begin with the country code. The PingID SDK server removes all characters except for numbers, so the number doesn't require specific formatting.

Voice Number 2 A second phone number to use for voice calls.
Voice Number 3 A third phone number to use for voice calls.