If you're using a PostgreSQL database instead of the default H2 database, you must set up the new database before you install the Policy Editor. If you're using the default H2 database, you don't need to complete this setup.

  1. Create the database.

    In this example, the command creates a database named pap using the postgres super user.

    [postgres] createdb pap
  2. Create a user role for the application to use.

    In this example, the command creates a user named pap_user.

    [postgres] createuser --pwprompt pap_user
  3. Add tables and grant privileges to the application user.

    PingAuthorize provides DDL scripts to create the necessary schema. For the scripts and more details, go to https://github.com/pingidentity/pingauthorize-contrib/tree/main/sql/postgresql.

Configure the Policy Editor to use the PostgreSQL database: