On the PingOne DaVinci dashboard, use the graphs to view your current end-user activity levels.
Hover over data points to see specific information or click the Maximize () icon for an individual graph to expand the appearance.
To view any historical data that you have, click Custom Analytics.
The data in the Custom Analytics Results chart is populated using custom flow analytics connectors. Most Used Flows lists your legacy flow usage, including sub-flow counts. Click the Open () icons in each row to open the individual flow.
Use the Filter by flow ID field and Month list to adjust the data range in the graph and the flows listed. Click Back to return to the current version of the dashboard.
Use the Main Flows and Sub Flows options to filter the flow executions that are included in the flow statistics. Main flows are any flows that are invoked externally, and subflows are any flows that are invoked by another flow. The connector statistics ignore this selection and count all connector executions across all flows.
Click the date picker to select date ranges or create custom ones. Click and drag the horizontal and vertical sliders to adjust the ranges. The currently selected data range is displayed at the top of each section.
Click Flow Filter to open the Filter by Flow window. Here you can select specific flows and versions of flows to filter the data in the graphs by.
You can also use the following icons to adjust any changes to the dashboard.
Icon | Description |
Reset to original dashboard |
Undo |
Redo |
Export |
Flow Executions Over Time
Flow Executions Over Time displays the number of total flow executions for the selected time period. Hover over each bar to view more specific data points.
You can click and drag the ends of the horizontal slider bar to adjust the graph’s range.
You can use the following icons to manipulate the data in the graph.
Icon | Description |
Maximize |
Drill up to the top from the resolved aggregation period |
Drill up from the resolved aggregation period |
Drill down from the resolved aggregation period |
More options |
Top Flows by Execution Count
Top Flows by Execution Count displays your most used flows, determined by how many times a particular flow was used compared to other flows. Click and drag the ends of the vertical slider to adjust the graph’s range.
The default data metrics are grouped by flow name and list each flow's execution count. Hover over a data point in the graph to view more specific information for that point.
Click the Sort () icon to change the order of the graph bars.
Configuration Statistics
Configuration Statistics displays an overview of the number of active connectors, flow executions, connected applications, and flows currently configured.
For each graph, you can click the Maximize icon to expand the view, or use the More Options icon to export the data to CSV.
Click on the Total Connector, Total Flows, or Connected Applications sections to view those configurations in a new tab.
Current dashboard functionality notes
Review the following known issues and limitations regarding the current release of the PingOne DaVinci dashboard:
- When making a chart full-screen, the axis labels might not appear. Use your browser's zoom in and out functionality (Ctrl + and Alt +, or Ctrl - and Alt -) to have them redrawn correctly.
- The Drill up and Drill down features are currently disabled.
- PingOne DaVinci does not support having the console open to different environments in separate browser tabs. The environment context can be mismatched when the user manually refreshes the page.
- Top Flows on the Custom Analytics dashboard is only shown for customers who were active before March 9, 2023. This is so that they can see their historical data. Newer customers don't see this chart, and the Top Flows on the main dashboard contains all of their data.