Flows can be launched in multiple ways, depending on the content of the flow and the way you want it to appear. See the developer documentation for more information about launching flows using these methods.

Invoking a flow using a redirect

You can launch a flow using a whole-page redirect. The user is sent to a new page with your DaVinci domain in the URL. This method works well for flows involving user interaction in situations where you don't mind redirecting the user to a new page.

Invoking a flow using the widget

You can launch a flow in a widget on an existing page. The user stays on the same page, and the flow is displayed in a portion of the page. This method works well for flows involving user interaction in situations where you want the user to remain on your page.

Invoking a flow using an API call

You can launch a flow using an API call. This method works well for flows without any direct user interaction.