This procedure assumes that the flow already exists or is in progress, and only specifies the necessary nodes and settings for invocation through PingOne. For more information about creating flows, see Getting started with DaVinci.
  1. Sign on to DaVinci and click the Flows tab.
  2. Select the flow tile for the flow that you plan to launch through PingOne.
  3. Click More options (⋮) > Flow Settings to show the flow settings.
  4. Select the PingOne Flow option.
  5. Click Save, then close the Flow Settings pane.
  6. End the flow with the following two PingOne Authentication nodes, one for success and one for failure.
    A screen capture of a flow ending with a success and failure path.
    Node Purpose

    Return a Success Response (Redirect Flows)

    This creates a PingOne session for the user and redirects the browser back to the source of the authentication request. This response provides the requested scopes as well as an access token, ID token, or SAML assertion.

    Return an Error Response (Redirect Flows)

    This redirects the browser back to the source of the authentication request. This response provides information about the error that occurred.

  7. Click Save, then click Deploy.