Switching between PingOne and widget integrations - PingOne - PingOne Cloud Platform - PingOne DaVinci - PingOne Services

PingOne DaVinci

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Learn how to switch between using a flow for a PingOne redirect integration and an integration using the DaVinci widget.


The following procedures enable you to reintegrate the same DaVinci flows for different use cases. In addition to these steps, follow the relevant procedures for your integration. For more information, see Integrating Flows into Applications.

Switching from a PingOne redirect to a widget integration

To change a flow integration that uses a PingOne redirect to a flow integration that uses the DaVinci widget:

  1. Sign on to PingOne and go to Applications > Applications.
  2. Remove your DaVinci flow policy from the relevant application. Click Save.
  3. In the DaVinci console, go to Applications and select the application that uses the PingOne flow policy.
  4. Click the Flow Policy tab.
  5. Locate the PingOne flow policy and, in the More options (⋮) list, select Delete.
  6. Go to Flows and select the PingOne flow.
  7. Go to More options (⋮) > Flow Settings.
  8. On the General tab, click the toggle to turn off PingOne Flow. Click Save.
  9. Close the Flow Settings panel and then redeploy the flow by clicking Deploy.
  10. Go to the Flow Policy tab in the application where you previously deleted the flow policy.
  11. Click Add Flow Policy and select All Flow Policies.
  12. Select the desired version of the previously configured flow and click Create Flow Policy.
  13. Optional: Configure the Edit Your Weight Distribution modal.
  14. Click Save Flow Policy.

Integrate your flow using the DaVinci widget.

Switching from a widget integration to a PingOne redirect

To change a flow integration that uses the DaVinci widget to a PingOne flow integration that uses a redirect:

  1. Go to Applications and select the application that uses the widget-based flow policy.
  2. Click the Flow Policy tab.
  3. Locate the widget-based flow policy and, in the More options (⋮) list, select Delete.
  4. Go to Flows and select the widget-based flow.
  5. Go to More options (⋮) > Flow Settings.
  6. On the General tab, click the toggle to enable PingOne Flow. Click Save.
  7. Close the Flow Settings panel and then redeploy the flow by clicking Deploy.
  8. Go to the Flow Policy tab in the application where you previously deleted the flow policy.
  9. Click Add Flow Policy and select PingOne Flow Policy.
  10. Select the desired version of the previously configured PingOne flow and click Create Flow Policy.
  11. Optional: Configure the Edit Your Weight Distribution modal.
  12. Click Save Flow Policy.
  13. Assign your new flow policy to the related application in PingOne.

    For more information on assigning policies to PingOne applications, see Configuring PingOne for flow invocation.

Integrate your flow using a PingOne redirect.