The initial user authentication request follows the OAuth2 Implicit Grant Type flow. To initiate the OpenID Connect process, the user will be redirected to the OAuth2 authorization endpoint. The request is made to the authorization endpoint with the following parameters:

client_id im_oic_client
response_type token id_token
redirect_uri https://localhost:9031/OAuthPlayground/case2A-callback.jsp
scope openid profile
nonce cba56666-4b12-456a-8407-3d3023fa1002
Note: As the implicit flow transports the access token and ID token via the user agent (i.e. web browser), this flow requires additional security precautions to mitigate any token modification / substitution.

As for the Basic Client Profile, the client can redirect the user in different ways depending on the client and the desired user experience. For example, a web application can just issue a HTTP 302 redirect to the browser and redirect the user to the authorization URL. A native mobile application may launch the mobile browser and open the authorization URL.

Note: To mitigate replay attacks, a nonce value must be included to associate a client session with an id_token. The client must generate a random value associated with the current session and pass this along with the request. This nonce value will be returned with the id_token and must be verified to be the same as the value provided in the initial request.


Again, like the Basic Client Profile, the user will then be sent through the authentication process (i.e. prompted for their username/password at their IDP, authenticated via Kerberos or x509 certificate etc). Once the user authentication (and optional consent approval) is complete, the tokens will be returned as a fragment parameter to the redirect_uri specified in the authorization request.

GET https://localhost:9031/OAuthPlayground/Case2A-callback.jsp#token_type=Bearer
	&access_token=b5bU8whkHeD6k9KQK7X6lMJrdVtV HTTP/1.1
Note: An error condition from the authentication / authorization process will be returned to this callback URI with "error" and "error_description" parameters.

The application now has multiple tokens to use for authentication and authorization decisions:

OAuth 2.0 access_token b5bU8whkHeD6k9KQK7X6lMJrdVtV
OpenID Connect id_token eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjRvaXU4In0.eyJzdWIiOi JuZnlmZSIsImF1ZCI6ImltX29pY19jbGllbnQiLCJqdGkiOiJU OU4xUklkRkVzUE45enU3ZWw2eng2IiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6XC 9cL3Nzby5tZXljbG91ZC5uZXQ6OTAzMSIsImlhdCI6MTM5Mzcz NzA3MSwiZXhwIjoxMzkzNzM3MzcxLCJub25jZSI6ImNiYTU2Nj Y2LTRiMTItNDU2YS04NDA3LTNkMzAyM2ZhMTAwMiIsImF0X2hh c2giOiJrdHFvZVBhc2praVY5b2Z0X3o5NnJBIn0.g1Jc9DohWF fFG3ppWfvW16ib6YBaONC5VMs8J61i5j5QLieY-mBEeVi1D3vr 5IFWCfivY4hZcHtoJHgZk1qCumkAMDymsLGX-IGA7yFU8LOjUd R4IlCPlZxZ_vhqr_0gQ9pCFKDkiOv1LVv5x3YgAdhHhpZhxK6r Wxojg2RddzvZ9Xi5u2V1UZ0jukwyG2d4PRzDn7WoRNDGwYOEt4 qY7lv_NO2TY2eAklP-xYBWu0b9FBElapnstqbZgAXdndNs-Wqp 4gyQG5D0owLzxPErR9MnpQfgNcai-PlWI_UrvoopKNbX0ai2zf kuQ-qh6Xn8zgkiaYDHzq4gzwRfwazaqA
Note: Because the implicit grant involves these tokens being transmitted via the user agent, these tokens cannot be kept confidential; therefore a refresh_token cannot be issued using this flow.