1. In the PingOne for Enterprise admin console, go to Applications > Application Catalog.
  2. Optional: In the Search field, search for the application.
  3. Click the Workday application line to expand it, and then click Setup.
  4. On the SSO Instructions tab, click Download to download the PingOne for Enterprise signing certificate.
  5. Copy the IdP ID value.
  6. Send an email to your Workday partner representative with the following information.




    Attach the signing certificate you downloaded in step 4.

    Certificate validity range

    The issued date and the expiration date of the certificate.

    Redirect URL

    Include the following URL with your PingOne for Enterprise account information filled in.

    https://sso.connect.pingidentity.com/sso/sp/initsso?saasid=e003a904-a9d8-4d2e-a3e8-74dac7879938&amp;idpid=<Enter idpid here>&amp;appurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myworkday.com%2<Enter Workday tenant here>%2Flogin.flex


    The Redirect URL is not required if you plan to use the Target Resource URL.

    Logout URL

    Specify where to redirect users when they sign out of Workday.

    Identity Provider ID

    The IdP ID value from above.

In PingOne for Enterprise, click Continue to Next Step.