The Import Configuration option is a version-specific tool for importing a previously exported configuration. PingAccess checks the exported JSON file to ensure that the file is not from a later version of PingAccess and is compatible with API v3 (PingAccess 5.0 or later).

Large PingAccess configurations can take several hours to import. During an import, you cannot modify or read the PingAccess configuration.

  1. If you are restoring on a new environment, copy the saved pa.jwk file to the <PA_Home>/conf/ directory.
  2. Click Settings and then go to System > Configuration Export/Import.
  3. Click Import Configuration.
  4. Select the JSON export file containing the configuration you want to import.
  5. Click Import.
  6. Click Confirm, then make any changes indicated by the import process. If the import fails, click View failures from last import to view all of the errors logged during the import.

    This operation is destructive and overwrites any existing PingAccess configuration.

  7. If the Agent or Admin listener key pairs change as a result of the import operation, restart PingAccess.
  8. If the environment is clustered, ensure that the replica administrative node and engine nodes are using the proper engine keys. If they are not, re-save them to generate a new public key, and reconfigure them to use the newly generated key. For more information, see Clustering.