The command-line parameters are the same regardless of the platform and are defined in the following table.

Parameter Value description

-p <admin_port>

Optional port to be used by the temporary PingAccess instance run during the upgrade. The default is 9001.

-i <directory>

An optional directory containing additional library JAR files, such as plugins and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers, to be copied into the target installation.

Beginning in version 6.0, JAR files are stored in the <PA HOME>/deploy folder.

During an upgrade from versions earlier than 6.0, third-party JAR files are migrated from the lib folder to the deploy folder if no directory is specified.

During an upgrade from version 6.0 or later, the contents of the deploy folder are migrated to the new <PA HOME>/deploy folder if no directory is specified.


The PA_HOME for the source PingAccess version.

-l <newPingAccessLicense>

An optional path to the PingAccess license file to use for the target version. If not specified, the existing license is reused.

-j <jvm_memory_options_file>

An optional path to a file with Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options to use for the new PingAccess instance during the upgrade.

-s | --silent

Run the upgrade with no user input required. To use this option, specify the source version's credentials using environment variables.

Environment variables

You can specify the username and password for the source version using these environment variables:

  • PA_SOURCE_API_USERNAME – The username for the source version's Admin API. This should be set to Administrator.
  • PA_SOURCE_API_PASSWORD – The basic authorization password for the Administrator in the source version's Admin API.

Java virtual machine (JVM) memory options

You can include these options in the JVM memory options file. Memory amounts use m or g to specify the unit.

    • -Xms<amount> – Minimum heap size
    • -Xmx<amount> – Maximum heap size
    • -XX:NewSize=<amount> – Minimum size for the Young Gen space
    • -XX:MaxNewSize=<amount> – Maximum size for the Young Gen space
    • -XX:+UseParallelGC – Specifies that the parallel garbage collector should be used

You can copy the existing <PA_HOME>/conf/jvm-memory.options file to create a JVM memory options file for the upgrade.

#Sample JVM Memory options file