PingOne Protect monitors end user requests and generates a risk
score of low, medium, or high, based on the user's activity and device context.
You can create risk policies through the PingAccess
administrative console or administrative API to respond to
PingOne Protect's evaluations dynamically. Risk policies
tell PingAccess when to gather user device profile
information and start a new evaluation. They also enable you to apply different access
control or authentication challenge policies based on the risk score that PingOne Protect determines.
For example, if the determined risk score is MEDIUM, you might
direct the user to complete step-up authentication with additional multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods. However, if the determined risk score is
HIGH, you might completely deny access to the resource
The following topics demonstrate how to integrate PingOne Protect
evaluations within PingAccess and create PingAccess risk policies to leverage different responses
to end user requests based on their determined risk score:
- To configure a connection between PingOne Protect and PingAccess, see Adding a PingOne connection.
- To configure a risk policy, see Adding a risk policy.
- To assign a risk policy to a specific application or application resource, see Application field descriptions and Adding application resources.
PingAccess evaluates the risk policies assigned
to each application and resource before processing application and resource-specific
rules and rule sets.
- If you enabled device profiling in your risk policy configuration,
either PingAccess collects the user's
device profile or the front end application collects the user's device profile
and submits it to PingAccess.
- PingAccess collects user data, such as user
ID and user-agent IP address, then sends a risk evaluation request to PingOne Protect each time the
<riskCheckInterval> that you specified in the risk
policy passes.
- After PingOne Protect returns an evaluation,
PingAccess follows the response
specified in the risk policy for the determined risk score or for a failed
evaluation if PingAccess is unable to
gather the expected risk response from PingOne Protect.
For example, if the returned risk score is
HIGH and the risk policy specifies that an
authentication challenge policy (ACP) should be issued to an end user with a
high-risk score, then PingAccess
returns the authentication challenge defined by the ACP to the end user for
If the risk policy specifies that PingAccess should follow a specific rule or
rule set, then it uses that rule or rule set to determine whether the end
user should be allowed access.
- If the end user meets the constraints set by the risk policy, PingAccess moves on to the next stage of request
processing, reviewing the normal policies attached to the application or
If a request is denied, PingAccess uses the rejection handler set
within the risk policy or follows the rejection response specified in the
rules or rule sets attached to the application or resource. The former case
is applicable if the risk policy was set to deny an end user's request.
Otherwise, the rejection response specified in the normal policy takes
- After PingAccess has completed request
processing, it sends PingOne Protect feedback on
whether an end user's request was allowed or denied.