dsconfig create-external-server \
  --server-name "Policy Editor" \
  --type policy \
  --set "base-url:https://<pap-hostname>:<pap-port>" \
  --set "shared-secret:pingauthorize" \
  --set "branch:Default Policies" \

dsconfig set-policy-decision-service-prop \
  --set pdp-mode:external \
  --set "policy-server:Policy Editor"

In this example, the shared-secret value corresponds to the decision point shared secret value chosen or generated while installing the Policy Editor. The branch is the name of a policy branch in the Policy Editor, and the decision-node value is the ID of a node in the policy tree that will be considered first during policy processing.

To find a decision node:
  1. In the Policy Editor, go to Policies.
  2. Select the node that you want to use as the root node.

    This is typically the top-level node of your policy tree.

  3. Click the three-line icon and select Copy ID to clipboard.
Screen capture of the Polices tab showing the Copy ID to clipboard option.