On some Linux distributions, such as RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server/CentOS 6.0 or later, the default maximum number of user processes is set to 1024, which is considerably lower than the same parameter on earlier distributions, such as RHEL/CentOS 5.x. The default value of 1024 leads to some Java virtual machine (JVM) memory errors when running multiple servers on a machine, due to each Linux thread being counted as a user process.

At startup, PingAuthorize Server attempts to raise this limit to 16383 if the value reported by ulimit is less than that number. If the value cannot be set, an error message is displayed. In such a scenario, you must explicitly set the limit in /etc/security/limit.conf, as the following example shows.

* soft nproc 100000
* hard nproc 100000
  • Set the 1683 value in the NUM_USER_PROCESSES environment variable.
  • Set the 1683 value in config/num-user-processes.