The following configuration allows any authenticated user to access the Policy Editor.
  1. Sign on to PingOne and click your environment.
    • If you have an account, go to the URL for your environment. Each environment has a unique URL for signing in. It follows the format<environmentID>.

    • If you do not already have an account, create one at Try Ping.

  2. To create an application in PingOne to represent the PingAuthorize Policy Editor, go to Connections > Applications and click + Add Application.
  3. Go to Connections > Applications and click + Add Application.
  4. Click Single Page App and then click Configure.
  5. Enter a name for the application, such as PingAuthorize Policy Editor.
  6. Optional: Enter a description and add an icon.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Add a redirect URL that follows the format https://pap.hostname:port/idp-callback.
  9. Click Save and Continue.
  10. On the Grant Access to Your Application window, add scopes for email and profile.
  11. Click Save and Continue.
  12. On the Attribute Mapping window:
    1. Accept UserID = sub.
    2. Click + Add Attribute > PingOne Attribute to add Email Address = email.
    3. Click + Add Attribute > PingOne Attribute to add Formatted = name or Username = name.

    A screen capture of the Attribute Mapping window.
  13. Click Save and Close.
  14. To enable the application, click the Enable toggle.

    A screen capture of the toggle to enable the application.
  15. Copy the following IDs:
    Client ID
    To find the Client ID, go to the application's Profile tab.
    Environment ID
    To find the Environment ID, click Environment in the left navigation pane.

    You'll need them when you configure the Policy Editor to use PingOne.