When using Docker containers, the containers must be on the same Docker network to communicate properly.

  1. Start the PingDataConsole.

    The following command uses the ~/.pingidentity/config environment file to configure common environment variables. See https://devops.pingidentity.com/get-started/introduction.

    docker run \
       --env-file ~/.pingidentity/config \
       --name pingdataconsole \
       --detach \
       --publish 5443:8443 \
       --tmpfs /run/secrets \

    The Docker image <TAG> used in the example is only a placeholder. For actual tag values, see Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com/r/pingidentity/pingdataconsole).

  2. Sign on using the information in the following table.
    Description Details



    Details to enter at login

    Server: pingauthorize:1636

    Username: administrator

    Password: 2FederateM0re


    If submitting the form results in a "Server unavailable" error, wait longer for the containers to reach an equilibrium "healthy" state, as described in Verifying proper startup.