Endpoint Description Supported HTTP methods
/ServiceProviderConfig Provides metadata that indicates the PingAuthorize Server authentication scheme, which is always OAuth 2.0, and its support for features that the SCIM standard considers optional.

This endpoint is a metadata endpoint and is not subject to policy processing.

/Schemas Lists the SCIM schemas that are configured for use on PingAuthorize Server and that define the various attributes available to resource types.

This endpoint is a metadata endpoint and is not subject to policy processing.

/Schemas/<schema> Retrieves a specific SCIM schema, as specified by its ID.

This endpoint is a metadata endpoint and is not subject to policy processing.

/ResourceTypes Lists all of the SCIM resource types that are configured for use on PingAuthorize Server. Clients can use this information to determine the endpoint, core schema, and extension schemas of any resource types that the server supports.

This endpoint is a metadata endpoint and is not subject to policy processing.

/ResourceTypes/<resourceType> Retrieves a specific SCIM resource type, as specified by its ID.

This endpoint is a metadata endpoint and is not subject to policy processing.

/<resourceType> Creates a new resource (POST), or lists and filters resources (GET). GET, POST
/<resourceType>/.search Lists and filters resources. POST
/<resourceType>/<resourceId> Retrieves a single resource (GET), modifies a single resource (PUT, PATCH), or deletes a single resource (DELETE). GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
/Me Alias for the resource that the subject of the access token identifies.

Retrieves the resource (GET), modifies the resource (PUT, PATCH), or deletes the (DELETE).