Ensure that:
  • You are signed on to your system and have privileges that allow you to install applications. Run PingCentral as a non-root user.
  • All System requirements and supported configurationsare met, and the Oracle or OpenJDK Java 11 LTS runtime environment is installed.
  • The <JAVA_HOME> path points to the JDK software on your system. For example, /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- To verify this information, run the echo $JAVA_HOME command.
  • The JAVA/bin directory path is added to the <PATH> variable. To verify this information, run the echo $PATH command.
  1. Download the latest version of PingCentral from the Ping Identity website.
  2. Extract the file into the appropriate target installation directory.
  3. Start PingCentral by running /<pingcentral_install>/bin/run.sh.
  4. When the installation is complete, open a browser window and enter the machine and PingCentral admin port in the URL field.
  5. Sign on to the application using the following credentials:
    • Username: Administrator
    • Password: 2Federate
  6. Configure PingCentral to run as a Linux systemv service or a Linux systemd service, as appropriate.

    For more information, see Configuring PingCentral to run as a Linux systemv service or Configuring PingCentral to run as a Linux systemd service.

    Without modification, PingCentral is secure by default.