1. Applications are listed in the order in which they were created, by default. Use the sort menu at the top of the page to sort the list of applications by modified date or by application name.
  2. To view details regarding an application, click the expandable icon associated with it.

    Applications promoted to development environments (such as development, staging, or production) display icons associated with each environment. If an application has not yet been promoted to a specific environment, you will not see an icon representing that environment.
    This example shows you what the Applications page might look like for an application owner.

  3. Click each tab to review additional information about the application:

    • Summary tab: This tab displays the application or connection name, application description, application owners, and the date on which the application was last modified.
    • Template tab: This tab displays the name of the template applied to the application, and details regarding the client or connection on which the template was based.
    • Promote tab: This tab displays the promotion history of this application, which includes the date and time each promotion occurred. Click the View Client Details link to access additional information regarding the application and its promotion.