1. Use the filters at the top of the page to filter your list of applications. You can filter by:

    • Environment
    • Template
    • Application owner
    • Integration type (OAuth and OIDC or SAML)
    • Managed (applications created from or promoted to PingCentral environments), and Unmanaged (applications that reside in connected PingAccess or PingFederate environments.)
      Example of the Applications page that displays the filters available to filter the application list.
  2. To add an application to PingCentral, :

    • Click Add Application and follow the wizard prompts to either apply a template to your application, or .
    • Create a template from an unmanaged application. Select the expandable icon associated with it, click Add as Template as shown below, and follow the wizard prompts. Then, apply the new template to an application.
    • Add an unmanaged application directly to PingCentral without using a template. Select the expandable icon associated with it, click Add to PingCentral as shown below, name the application, and save it.
      Example of a selected unmanaged application, which displays the Add to PingCentral and Add as Template buttons.
  3. To edit applications managed in PingCentral, click the expandable icon associated with the application you want to update and click the pencil icon. All of the editable information displays on one page. Update it as necessary.
  4. To delete an application from PingCentral, click its associated trash can icon.
    Note: Although the application will no longer be available in PingCentral, it will still exist in PingAccess or PingFederate. Delete it from PingFederate, as necessary.