PingCentral uses the Java-based H2 relational database management system by default, but you can also use MySQL. To set up MySQL, you must have the privileges required to access the pingcentral schema and configure the database.


This topic doesn't provide instructions on setting up or maintaining the MySQL database.


if you choose to migrate from the PingCentral H2 database to a MySQL database, you will lose all of your PingCentral data, including your environments, templates, environments, and promotion history information. Data residing in PingFederate, PingAccess, and other Ping products will not be affected.

  1. Locate and download the appropriate MySQL connector.

    For example, you can download the platform independent Java connector from

  2. Place the MySQL connector in the following location: /<pingcentral_install>/ext-lib/.
  3. Update the /<pingcentral_install>/conf/ file to point to the new MySQL database:
    1. Update the datasource URL to your location.
    2. Update the user name and password, if necessary.
    3. Update the driver class name, if necessary.
  4. Restart PingCentral for the changes to take effect.