The following command uses the ~/.pingidentity/devops environment file to configure common environment variables. See
  • Run this command.
    Note: For proper communication between containers, create a Docker network using a command such as docker network create --driver <network_type> <network_name>, and then connect to that network with the --network=<network_name> option.
    docker run --network=<network_name> \
       --env-file ~/.pingidentity/devops \
       --name pingdatagovernance \
       --publish 1389:389 \
       --publish 8443:443 \
       --detach \
       --env SERVER_PROFILE_URL= \
       --env SERVER_PROFILE_PATH=getting-started/pingdatagovernance \
       --tmpfs /run/secrets \

    The Docker image <TAG> used in the example is only a placeholder. For actual tag values, see Docker Hub (