To compare the entries in two PingDirectory server
instances, use ldap-diff.
In the following example, the utility uses a single distinguished name (DN) input file for the source and target servers, so that no search filter is used. Ignore the
attribute because of the password storage scheme that uses a one-way hashing algorithm.$ bin/ldap-diff --outputLDIF difference.ldif \ --sourceHost server1.example.com --sourcePort 1389 \ --sourceBindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --sourceBindPassword secret1 \ --targetHost server2.example.com --targetPort 2389 \ --targetBindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --targetBindPassword secret2 \ --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com" --sourceDNsFile input-file.ldif \ --targetDNsFile input-file.ldif "^userpassword"