You must enable the required access privileges detailed in The verify password extended operation.
To verify a password using the verify-password
extended operation,
enable the extended operation and then send a client request with the required
The client request must be a JSON object containing the following required fields:
- The distinguished name (DN) of the user account whose password the server should verify.
- The password to verify for that user.
The server response contains a result code that explains the outcome of the
operation. The following table describes the
result codes that the server can return:
Server response code | Description |
The extended request is malformed. |
The provided password isn’t correct for the target user. |
The provided password is correct for the target user. |
The server is required to only permit the extended operation over a secure connection, or the server is configured to require secure authentication for the target user, but the client is using an insecure connection. |
The target user account does not exist. |
The provided DN is malformed. |
The target user account doesn’t have a password. |
The client doesn’t have sufficient permission to use the extended operation. |
The server encountered an internal error while attempting to verify the password. |