The command-timeout property for an exec alert handler has a default value of 1 hour, after which the handler terminates any commands or scripts it initiated and logs an error. This timeout helps mitigate the effects of a command or script running longer than expected.

Depending on your configuration for a given exec alert handler, you might want to adjust this value up or down. You can disable the timeout by setting the property's value to 0 s.

  • Set the value for the command-timeout property of an exec alert handler.
    • Create an exec alert handler with the desired timeout value. For example:
      $ bin/dsconfig create-alert-handler \
        --handler-name TestAlertHandler \
        --type exec \
        --set enabled:true \
        --set \
        --set "command-timeout:2 h"
    • Modify the command-timeout property of an existing exec alert handler. For example:
      $ bin/dsconfig set-alert-handler-prop \
        --handler-name TestAlertHandler \
        --set "command-timeout:15 m"
    • Disable the command-timeout property of an existing or new exec alert handler by setting the value to 0. This allows any initiated commands or scripts to run indefinitely. For example:
      $ bin/dsconfig set-alert-handler-prop \
        --handler-name TestAlertHandler \
        --set "command-timeout:0 s"