Name forms can be specified with existing schema components and don't require additional code for implementation.
The following formal specification for attribute types is provided in RFC 4512, section
NameFormDescription = "(" wsp
numericoid ; object identifier
[ sp "NAME" sp qdescrs ] ; short name descriptor
[ sp "DESC" sp qdstring ] ; description
[ sp "OBSOLETE" ] ; not active
sp "OC" sp oid ; structural object class
sp "MUST" SP oids ; attribute types
[ sp "MAY" sp oids ] ; attribute types
extensions wsp ")" ; extensions followed by a white space and ")"
The following extensions are specific to the PingDirectory server and aren't defined in RFC 4512.
extensions = /
"X-ORIGIN" / ; Specifies where the attribute type is defined
"X-SCHEMA-FILE" / ; Specifies which schema file contains the definition
"X-READ-ONLY" ; True or False. Specifies if the file that contains
; the schema element is marked as read-only in
; the server configuration.