The allowed missing-changes-policy values are described in the following table. Examples of these values used with the dsconfig command are also provided.

Value Description


Enter the missing changes lockdown state in response to missing changes as much as possible. This strongly favors data integrity over availability.


Enter the missing changes lockdown state in response to missing changes where it makes sense for most customers. This balances data integrity and availability and is the default policy.


Provide increased availability when compared to FAVOR_INTEGRITY with regard to PREVIOUS missing changes.


Continue in response to missing changes lockdown as much as possible. This strongly favors availability over data integrity.


Indicates that the replication server's configuration should be used. This makes it possible to have one configuration per replication server that can optionally be overridden for each domain.


SERVER is for replication domains only. This is the default value of missing-changes-policy for replication domains.


For maximum integrity, which was the behavior prior to configurable missing changes, the MAXIMUM_INTEGRITY missing changes policy can be selected for the replication server:

dsconfig set-replication-server-prop --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization" 
--set missing-changes-policy:maximum-integrity

For behavior that is similar to MAXIMUM_INTEGRITY except that missing changes lockdown is avoided for indirect missing changes, the FAVOR_INTEGRITY missing changes policy can be selected for the replication server. This is the default missing changes policy:

dsconfig set-replication-server-prop --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization" 
--set missing-changes-policy:favor-integrity

To keep the default FAVOR_INTEGRITY missing changes policy for all domains except dc=example,dc=com, where MAXIMUM_AVAILABILITY is to be used:

dsconfig set-replication-domain-prop --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization" 
--domain-name dc_example_dc_com --set missing-changes-policy:maximum-availability