The server provides an uninstall command-line utility for quick removal of the code base.
To uninstall a server instance, run the setup command in interactive command-line, or non-interactive command-line mode.
- Interactive command-line mode
- Interactive command-line mode is a text-based interface that prompts the user for input. To use this mode, run the bin/uninstall command without any options.
- Non-interactive command-line mode
- Non-interactive command-line mode suppresses progress information from being written to standard output during processing, except for fatal errors. To run this mode, use the bin/uninstall command with the --no-prompt option.
For standalone installations with a single server instance, you can also manually remove the server by stopping it and recursively deleting the directory and subdirectories as shown in the following example:
$ rm -rf /ds/PingDirectory
Click the following tabs to see instructions for the type of uninstall you want to perform.
Uninstalling the server in interactive mode
Interactive mode uses the uninstall command, a text-based, command-line interface to help you remove your server instance.
Uninstalling the server in non-interactive mode
The uninstall command provides a non-interactive method to run with the --no-prompt option.
Uninstalling selected components in non-interactive mode
Use the --backup-files with the uninstall command to remove the server’s backup files.