To configure an LDAP mapped SCIM resource type:

  1. Set up the PingDirectory backend server.
  2. Export the encryption-settings definition with the tool's export subcommand.

    For this example, use the default settings to use sample data and configured data encryption.

    encryption-settings export --output-file exported-key
  3. Set up the PingDirectoryProxy server and import the encryption-settings definition file that was created in the previous step.
  4. To configure the LDAP external server, use the create-initial-proxy-config tool.
  5. Create the SCIM schema for the resource type to use.
    dsconfig create-scim-schema \
    --schema-name urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0 \
    --set display-name:User
  6. Under this schema, add the following SCIM attributes.
    dsconfig create-scim-attribute \
    --schema-name urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0 \
    --attribute-name displayName
    dsconfig create-scim-attribute \
    --schema-name urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0 \
    --attribute-name name \
    --set type:complex
    dsconfig create-scim-subattribute \
    --schema-name urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0 \
    --attribute-name name \
    --subattribute-name familyName
    dsconfig create-scim-subattribute \
    --schema-name urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0 \
    --attribute-name name \
    --subattribute-name formatted
    dsconfig create-scim-attribute \
    --schema-name urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0 \
    --attribute-name userName
  7. Create the LDAP mapping SCIM resource type on the PingDirectoryProxy server.
    dsconfig create-scim-resource-type \
    --type-name Users \
    --type ldap-mapping \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set endpoint:Users \
    --set structural-ldap-objectclass:inetOrgPerson \
    --set include-base-dn:ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \
    --set lookthrough-limit:500 \
    --set core-schema:urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0
  8. To create the SCIM attribute mappings, run the following commands.
    dsconfig create-scim-attribute-mapping \
    --type-name Users \
    --mapping-name displayName \
    --set scim-resource-type-attribute:displayName \
    --set ldap-attribute:displayName
    dsconfig create-scim-attribute-mapping \
    --type-name Users \
    --mapping-name name.formatted \
    --set scim-resource-type-attribute:name.formatted \
    --set ldap-attribute:cn \
    --set searchable:true
    dsconfig create-scim-attribute-mapping \
    --type-name Users \
    --mapping-name name.familyName \
    --set scim-resource-type-attribute:name.familyName \
    --set ldap-attribute:sn \
    --set searchable:true
    dsconfig create-scim-attribute-mapping \
    --type-name Users \
    --mapping-name userName \
    --set scim-resource-type-attribute:userName \
    --set ldap-attribute:uid \
    --set searchable:true
  9. Configure the SCIM2 HTTP Servlet Extension to use a Mock Access Token Validator.

    Never use Mock Access Token Validators in production environments or with sensitive data.

    dsconfig create-access-token-validator \
    --validator-name "SCIM2 Mock Validator" \
    --type mock \
    --set enabled:true
    dsconfig set-http-servlet-extension-prop \
    --extension-name SCIM2 \
    --set "access-token-validator:SCIM2 Mock Validator"
  10. To confirm that the new resource type is successfully added, send the following request to the PingDirectoryProxy server's SCIM /ResourceTypes endpoint.

    The HTTP port can vary depending on the deployment configuration.

    curl -k -X GET \
    https://localhost:8443/scim/v2/ResourceTypes \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {"active":true}'

    The following JSON object is displayed in the response in the “Resources” array.

    "Resources": [{