1. Use a text editor to open the default tools properties file (config/tools.properties) or a different properties file.

    If you use a file other than config/tools.properties, invoke the tool with the --propertiesFilePath option to specify the path to your properties file.

  2. Set or change properties that apply to all tools.
    Use the standard Java properties file format (name=value) to set properties. For example, the following properties define a set of LDAP connection parameters.
    bindDN=cn=Directory\ Manager 

    Properties files do not allow quotation marks of any kind around values.

    Escape spaces and special characters.

    Whenever you specify a path, do not use ~ to refer to the home directory. The server does not expand the ~ value when read from a properties file.

  3. Set or change properties that apply to specific tools.
    Tool-specific properties start with the name of the tool followed by a period. These properties take precedence over properties that apply to all tools. The following example sets two ports: one that applies to all tools (port=1389) and a tool-specific one that ldapsearch uses instead (ldapsearch.port=2389).
    bindDN=cn=Directory\ Manager
  4. Save your changes and close the file.