To enable replication between two servers with entry balancing:

  • Choose one of the following ways to run the dsreplication command:
    • Run dsreplication in non-interactive mode.

      See the following example.

      $ bin/dsreplication enable --host1 \ 
        --port1 1389 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" \ 
        --bindPassword1 secret --replicationPort1 8989 \ 
        --host2 --port2 2389 \
        --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword2 secret \ 
        --replicationPort2 8989 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \ 
        --baseDN ou=people,dc=example,dc=com \ 
        --restricted ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
    • Run dsreplication using the interactive command line.
      1. Enter dsreplication and the LDAP connection parameters.
      2. Specify that an entry balancing is being used.
      3. Specify the base distinguished name (DN) of the entry-balancing point.

      See the following example.

      You must choose at least one base DN to be replicated. 
      Replicate base DN dc=example,dc=com? (yes / no) [yes]: yes
      Replicate base DN ou=people,dc=example,dc=com? (yes / no) [yes]: yes    
      Do you plan to configure entry balancing using the Directory Proxy Server? (yes / no) [no]: yes
      Is dc=example,dc=com an entry-balancing point? (yes / no) [no]: no
      Is ou=people,dc=example,dc=com an entry-balancing point? (yes / no) [no]: yes