- Download the appropriate Java database connectivity (JDBC) driver to PingDataSync's /PingDataSync/lib directory, and restart the server for the driver to load into the runtime.
Open the java.properties file with a text editor and add the
argument. Save the file. When using custom JDBC endpoints, SQL statements cannot be called unless JDBC drivers are set in the java.properties file. -
Run the dsjavaproperties command to apply the change. For
example, enter the following for
:start-sync-server.java-args=-d64 -server -Xmx256m -Xms256m - XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC - Djdbc.drivers=foo.bah.Driver:wombat.sql.Driver:com.example.OurDriver ... etc.
- Create one or more JDBC extensions based on the Server SDK. If configuring for bidirectional synchronization, two scripts are needed: one for the JDBC Sync Source and the other for the JDBC Sync Destination. Place the compiled extensions in the /lib/extensions directory.
- Configure the database change log table and triggers (presented later). The vendor’s native change tracking mechanism can be used, but a change log table should also be configured. Each table requires one database trigger to detect the changes and loads them into the change log table.
- Configure the Sync Pipes, Sync Classes, external servers, distinguished name (DN) and attribute maps for one direction.
- Run the resync --dry-run command to test the configuration settings.
- Run realtime-sync set-startpoint to initialize the starting point for synchronization.
- Run the resync command to populate data on the destination endpoint.
- Start the Sync Pipes using the realtime-sync start command.
- Monitor PingDataSync using the status commands and logs.
- For bidirectional synchronization, configure another Sync Pipe, and repeat steps 4–8 to test the system.