The prepare-endpoint-server tool sets up any communication variances that can occur between PingDataSync and the external servers. Typically, directory servers can have different security settings, privileges, and passwords configured on the Sync Source that might reject the import of entries in the Sync Destination.
The prepare-endpoint-server tool also creates a Sync User Account and
its privileges on all of the external servers (see Sync user account for
more detailed information). The prepare-endpoint-server tool verifies
that the account has the proper privileges to access the
and lastChangeNumber
in the root DSE entry so that it can access the latest changes. If the Sync User does
not have the proper privileges, PingDataSync
displays a warning message, which is saved in the
logs/prepare-endpoint-server.log file.
If the synchronization topology was created using the
create-sync-pipe-config tool, this command does not need to be
run. It is already part of the create-sync-pipe-config
Perform the following steps to prepare PingDataSync for external server communication: