The next example shows a failed synchronization attempt on a MODIFY
operation from the source server that could not be synchronized on the destination server.
The log displays the LDIF-formatted modification that failed,
where the source server added two additional mobilePhone
values for an
entry. This would cause a schema violation on the destination server because the
destination (in this example, PingOne) only allows a
single value for mobilePhone
[17/Nov/2021:15:56:39.294 -0600] category=SYNC severity=SEVERE_WARNING msgID=1893859389 op=6 changeNumber=58 pipe="ds1_to_PingOne_Destination" class="ds1 Users Sync Class" msg="Detected MODIFY of uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com at ldap://localhost:1389, but failed to apply this change because: Attribute 'mobilePhone' has 3 values in the entry so the value cannot be constructed since a single value is required (id=1893859350 Details: Source change detail: dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify add: mobile mobile: +1 111 111 1111 mobile: +1 999 999 9999 - replace: modifiersName modifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config - replace: modifyTimestamp modifyTimestamp: 20211117215425.236Z - Equivalent destination changes: dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify replace: mobilePhone mobilePhone: +1 164 286 4924 mobilePhone: +1 111 111 1111 mobilePhone: +1 999 999 9999 - Full source entry: dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com mail: initials: AOR homePhone: +1 295 940 2750 pager: +1 604 109 3407 givenName: Anett employeeNumber: 0 telephoneNumber: +1 594 307 3495 mobile: +1 164 286 4924 mobile: +1 111 111 1111 mobile: +1 999 999 9999 sn: Rezzik cn: Anett Rezzik userPassword: **** description: This is the description for Anett Rezzik. street: 22411 Birch Street st: PA postalAddress: Anett Rezzik$22411 Birch Street$Rhinelander, PA 98160 uid: user.0 l: Rhinelander postalCode: 98160 objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: inetOrgPerson Mapped destination entry: dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com email: mobilePhone: +1 164 286 4924 mobilePhone: +1 111 111 1111 mobilePhone: +1 999 999 9999 name: { "family":"Rezzik", "formatted":"Anett Rezzik", "given":"Anett" } population: { "name":"Users", "id":"dd24a03b-bde0-463c-ae76-584f5925fe3d" } primaryPhone: +1 594 307 3495 resourceType: user username: user.0 "