You must know which version of the PSA you're running. To check the version number, go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features and find the row containing the Password Sync Agent item. The version number is displayed on that row.


If you are running a version earlier than 4.7, you must uninstall the Password Sync Agent before upgrading because the installer has trouble locating the registry values from the older version. If you don't uninstall the older version of the PSA in this scenario, the upgraded PSA fails to start after the update.

You can upgrade the PSA by following these steps:

  1. Extract the new version of the PSA.

    Check the Readme file included with the PSA. If the header doesn't indicate a version, download version 4.7 or later before upgrading.

  2. Follow the instructions for installing the PSA.

    You don't need to restart the computer to complete this step. The core password filter DLL is already running under LSA. The update replaces the implementation binaries, which are encapsulated from the password filter DLL and can be updated dynamically.

After you complete the installation, a dialog window might indicate that a restart is necessary due to configuration changes:

  • If the logging service has restarted, you can safely ignore this message.
  • If the logging service has not restarted, you should restart the computer to ensure that the PSA resumes syncing password changes.