Page created: 6 Nov 2019
Page updated: 25 Mar 2020
| 1 min read
8.0 Product PingDirectory PingDirectoryProxy IT Administrator Administrator Audience System Administrator Software Deployment Method Administration User task Configuration Installation Product documentation Content Type Capability Directory
Once we have completed setup, we run the
create-initial-proxy-config tool as follows:
root@proxy-east01: bin/create-initial-proxy-config
- Provide the bind DN and password that the Directory Proxy Server will use to authenticate to the backend PingDirectory Server instances. The create-initial-proxy-config tool requires that the same bind DN and password be used to authenticate to all of the backend servers. All Directory Proxy Server instances have identical proxy user accounts and passwords. If necessary, the proxy user account password can be defined differently for each external server using dsconfig after the create-initial-proxy-config tool has been executed.
- Specify the type of external server communication security that will be used to communicate with the PingDirectory Server instances. For this example, enter the option for 'None'.
- Specify the base DNs of the PingDirectory Server instances that the Directory Proxy Server will access. For this example, use dc=example,dc=com.
- Enter any other base DNs of the PingDirectory Server instances that will be accessed through the proxy server. Because we are only using one proxy base DN, press Enter to finished.