In the event that an online initialization is not possible, the following steps can be used to initialize a server.
  1. From another server in the replication topology, back up the userRoot, schema, and replicationChanges backends to the <server-root>/bak directory. If data encryption is enabled, the encryption-settings backend should also be exported, as one or more encryption settings IDs may need to be imported into the new replica.
    $ source-server-root>/bin/backup --backendID userRoot --backupDirectory \
    $ <source-server-root>/bin/backup --backendID schema --backupDirectory \
    $ <source-server-root>/bin/backup --backendID replicationChanges \
       --backupDirectoryd bak/replicationChanges
    $ <source-server-root>/bin/encryption-settings export --id <id> \
       --output-file bak/exported-key
  2. Copy the bak directory to the new replica.
    $ scp -r <source-server-root>/bak/* \
  3. Stop the server and restore the userRoot, schema, changelog, and replicationChanges backends. If the encryption-settings backend was exported, it should be be imported before restoring any of the backends.
    $ <destination-server-root>bin/encryption-settings import --input-file \
       bak/exported-key --set-preferred
    Enter the PIN used to encrypt the definition:
    $ <destination-server-root>/bin/restore --backupDirectory bak/userRoot
    $ <destination-server-root>/bin/restore --backupDirectory bak/schema
    $ <destination-server-root>/bin/restore --backupDirectory \
  4. Start the server using bin/start-server.