1. On the Austin servers, create the two locations, newyork and austin, and set the location of this instance to austin:
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt create-location --location-name austin
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt create-location --location-name newyork \
    --set preferred-failover-location:austin
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt set-location-prop --location-name austin \
    --add preferred-failover-location:newyork
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt set-global-configuration-prop \
    --set location:austin
  2. For the New York servers, set the location to newyork:
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt create-location \
    --location-name austin
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt create-location \
    --location-name newyork \ 
    --set preferred-failover-location:austin
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt set-location-prop \
    --location-name austin \ 
    --add preferred-failover-location:newyork
    ./bin/dsconfig --no-prompt set-global-configuration-prop \
    --set location:newyork