Page created: 4 Feb 2020
Page updated: 5 Jan 2021
The Monitoring Endpoint configuration type provides the StatsD Endpoint type that you can use to transfer metrics data in the StatsD format.
Examples of metrics you can send are:
- Busy worker thread count
- Garbage collection statistics
- Host system metrics such as CPU and memory
You configure the Monitoring Endpoint using the dsconfig command. When you configure Monitoring Endpoint, you include:
The endpoint's hostname
The endpoint's port
A toggle to use TCP or UDP
A toggle to use SSL if you use TCP
For example, to configure a new StatsD Monitoring Endpoint to send UDP data to localhost
port 8125 using
dsconfig create-monitoring-endpoint \
--type statsd \
--endpoint-name StatsDEndpoint \
--set enabled:true \
--set hostname:localhost \
--set server-port:8125 \
--set connection-type:unencrypted-udp
If you are using the Administrative Console:
- Click Show Advanced Configuration.
- In the Logging, Monitoring, and Notifications section, click Monitoring Endpoints.
- Click New Monitoring Endpoint.
You can send data to any number of monitoring endpoints.
The Stats Collector Plugin controls the metrics used by the StatsD monitoring endpoint. To send metrics with the StatsD monitoring endpoint, you must enable the Stats Collector Plugin. Also, you must configure the Stats Collector Plugin to indicate the metrics to send.
To enable the Stats Collector Plugin or to configure the type of data sent, use the
dsconfig command or the Administrative Console. For example, to
enable the Stats Collector Plugin to send host CPU metric, memory metrics, and server
status metrics using
dsconfig set-plugin-prop \
--plugin-name "Stats Collector" \
--set enabled:true \
--set host-info:cpu \
--set host-info:disk \
--set status-summary-info:basic
If you are using the Administrative Console:
- Click Show Advanced Configuration.
- In the LDAP (Administration and Monitoring) section, click Plugin Root
- Edit the Stats Collector plugin.
After you enable the Stats Collector and create the StatsD monitoring endpoint, you
- Use the data with Splunk as explained in Sending Metrics to Splunk with StatsD.
- Configure other tools that support StatsD, such as CloudWatch or a Prometheus
StatsD exporter, to use the data. For more information about this configuration,
see your tool's StatsD documentation. Configure the StatsD monitoring endpoint
to use the correct host and port. The
dsconfig create-monitoring-endpoint
example above uses a host of localhost and a port of 8125. You can also set these values in the Administrative Console.